Can Nginx be Forced to Resolve a Hostname from /etc/hosts? Uncovering the Truth!
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Can Nginx be Forced to Resolve a Hostname from /etc/hosts? Uncovering the Truth!

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As a seasoned sysadmin, you’re likely no stranger to the intricacies of Nginx configuration. But have you ever wondered, “Is it possible to force Nginx to resolve a hostname directly from the /etc/hosts file prior to proxying the requests to that host?” In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Nginx and explore the possibilities. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

Understanding the Default Behavior

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how Nginx resolves hostnames by default. When you specify a hostname in your Nginx configuration, it relies on the system’s DNS resolver to resolve the hostname to an IP address. This process typically involves querying the DNS servers configured on your system or using the hosts file (/etc/hosts) as a fallback.

In most cases, this default behavior works perfectly fine. However, there might be scenarios where you want Nginx to bypass the DNS resolver and use the /etc/hosts file exclusively. Perhaps you have a local development environment with custom hostnames that aren’t resolvable through public DNS, or you’re working with a legacy system that relies on the hosts file for hostname resolution.

The Short Answer: Yes, It’s Possible!

Luckily, Nginx provides a way to force it to use the /etc/hosts file for hostname resolution. The magic lies in the resolver directive, which allows you to specify the DNS resolver and its behavior. We’ll explore this directive in more detail later.

But First, Let’s Talk About the Resolver Directive

The resolver directive is used to specify the DNS resolver that Nginx should use to resolve hostnames. By default, Nginx uses the system’s DNS resolver, which is usually configured in /etc/resolv.conf. However, you can override this behavior by specifying a custom resolver.

http {
    resolver valid=30s;

In this example, we’re telling Nginx to use a DNS resolver listening on (localhost) and cache the results for 30 seconds. This is just a basic example, but you can customize the resolver to suit your needs.

Forcing Nginx to Use the /etc/hosts File

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the resolver directive, let’s see how we can force Nginx to use the /etc/hosts file for hostname resolution. To achieve this, we’ll use the resolver directive in conjunction with the hosts parameter.

http {
    resolver hosts=;

In this example, we’re telling Nginx to use the hosts file (/etc/hosts) as the resolver. By specifying hosts=, we’re essentially disabling DNS lookups and forcing Nginx to rely solely on the hosts file for hostname resolution.

Important Notes and Caveats

Before you rush off to implement this solution, keep the following notes and caveats in mind:

  • Performance Impact: Since Nginx will no longer use the system’s DNS resolver, you might experience a slight performance impact, especially if your hosts file is large or complex. Be cautious when using this approach in production environments.
  • Limited Scalability: The hosts file approach is suitable for small to medium-sized environments. As your infrastructure grows, you might need to consider alternative solutions, such as using a dedicated DNS server or a more robust hostname resolution mechanism.
  • Compatibility Issues: Some Nginx modules, like the ngx_http_ssl_module, might not work correctly when using the hosts file as the resolver. Be sure to test your configuration thoroughly before deploying it to production.

Real-World Scenario: Proxying Requests to a Local Development Server

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where forcing Nginx to use the /etc/hosts file comes in handy. Suppose you have a local development server running on localhost:8080, and you want to proxy requests from a publicly accessible domain ( to this server. You’ve added an entry to your /etc/hosts file to map to

In this case, you can use the following Nginx configuration to force the use of the hosts file and proxy requests to your local development server:

http {
    resolver hosts=;
    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

In this example, Nginx will use the /etc/hosts file to resolve the hostname to, and then proxy the requests to your local development server running on localhost:8080.


In conclusion, yes, it is possible to force Nginx to resolve a hostname directly from the /etc/hosts file prior to proxying the requests to that host. By using the resolver directive with the hosts parameter, you can bypass the system’s DNS resolver and rely exclusively on the hosts file for hostname resolution. While this approach might have its limitations and caveats, it can be a useful tool in your sysadmin arsenal.

Remember to carefully evaluate the performance and scalability implications of using this approach, and consider alternative solutions when necessary. Happy configuring!

Directive Description
resolver Specifies the DNS resolver to use for hostname resolution
hosts Forces Nginx to use the /etc/hosts file as the resolver

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about Nginx and its various configuration options, be sure to check out the official Nginx documentation and the following resources:

  1. Nginx documentation: resolver directive
  2. Nginx wiki: Reverse proxy caching
  3. Stack Overflow: Nginx using /etc/hosts for hostname resolution

With this knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Nginx configuration and tackling even the most complex scenarios.

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve got the answers to your burning questions about forcing nginx to resolve a hostname directly from the /etc/hosts file prior to proxying the requests to that host!

Can I force nginx to resolve a hostname directly from the /etc/hosts file instead of relying on DNS resolution?

Yes, you can! Nginx has a feature called `resolver` that allows you to specify a custom DNS resolver. By setting the `resolver` directive to `localhost`, nginx will use the local system’s resolver, which includes the /etc/hosts file. This way, nginx will resolve the hostname directly from the /etc/hosts file before proxying the requests to that host.

How do I specify the custom DNS resolver in nginx configuration?

You can specify the custom DNS resolver by adding the following line to your nginx configuration file: `resolver localhost;`. This tells nginx to use the local system’s resolver, which includes the /etc/hosts file, to resolve hostnames.

What happens if the hostname is not found in the /etc/hosts file?

If the hostname is not found in the /etc/hosts file, nginx will fall back to the default DNS resolution mechanism. This means that it will send a DNS query to the configured DNS servers to resolve the hostname. You can also configure nginx to return an error or redirect to a default page if the hostname is not found in the /etc/hosts file.

Can I use this feature in conjunction with other nginx features, such as load balancing and caching?

Absolutely! The `resolver` feature can be used in conjunction with other nginx features, such as load balancing and caching. This allows you to use the /etc/hosts file to resolve hostnames for load balancing and caching, giving you more control over your setup.

Are there any performance implications of using this feature?

Using the `resolver` feature to resolve hostnames from the /etc/hosts file can have a minor performance impact, as it adds an extra step to the request processing pipeline. However, this impact is usually negligible and can be mitigated by using a fast resolver and optimizing your nginx configuration.

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